Improvement Plan Tool by Kit NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4

Health care quality can be reduced if nurses fail to understand their responsibilities. The findings of this journal were about the framework for the nurses which consists of 7 domains that are evidence-based practice, positive interpersonal behaviors, management of the environment, person-centered care, clinical leadership and governance, and promotion of safety. These domains summarized the responsibilities of the nurses. 

Witczak, I., Rypicz, U., Karniej, P., MÅ‚ynarska, A., Kubielas, G., & Uchmanowicz, I. (2021). Rationing of Nursing Care and Patient Safety. Frontiers in Psychology12.

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This study carefully analyzed the relationship of nurses with the patient’s safety as the nursing role affects the quality of care being provided to the patient. This study consisted of 245 nurses and the results showed that there were a lot of workloads that impacted patient satisfaction causing it to decrease. With the report of adverse events, there was a lack of transparency and lack of cooperation. All these factors reduce patient safety causing the margin of error to be higher. 

This journal looks into the nursing theories that help nurses carry on their daily practices or shape them to achieve the best quality of patient care. The theoretical framework analyzed in these focuses on patient-centered fundamental care which requires the nurses and the patients to work together and have active management of the processes. This framework should be incorporated into the patient care plan for it to be useful.


For nurses to provide quality care to patients, there should be collaboration, effective communication, and total transparency. Training and education should be provided so they are not a barrier when intervening with smart infusion pumps in the facility to reduce medication errors. The nurses should strictly adhere to the protocols and guidelines to enhance the patient’s safety.


Hanson, A., & Haddad, L. (2021). Nursing rights of medication administration [E-book]. StatPearls.

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